|Foreword| |Route map| |Atomic bomb| |Damge| |Effects of thermal radiation| |Effects of blast|
|Effects of fire| |Immediate effects of radiation| |Delayed effects of radiation| |Statistics|
|Sociological destruction|

Sociological destruction due to the atomic bomb

Damage due to the atomic bomb was not merely physical destruction and medical effects. What is important is that the atomic bomb brought about the disruption of family and relatives, and destruction of neighboring society.
The intensive destructive power of the atomic bomb caused the loss by destructive fire of all kinds of facilities including companies, factories, stores, schools, hospitals, fire stations, and government offices and destruction of the necessary organizations and the various social functions located in the city.
Such total disintegration of the neighboring society and the community was unprecedented, and this caused various difficulties for the rehabilitation of the exposed survivors.
How, specifically, such social relationships and organizations, including neighboring society and community, were destroyed and disintegrated has not been fully clarified on account of the tremendous extensiveness of the damage. This remains as an important problem to be resolved hereafter in the elucidation of the social damage of the atomic bomb disaster.